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A Bibliography of "Must Have" Tube Electronics Books. Following is a list of "must have" books for the serious tube amplifier designer. Some of them are Chapter XIII is the longest in the book and includes a complete discussion of wide-band amplifiers. The effect of feedback on the response characteristics and TUBES, Tube Radios, Tube Theory, Tube Guitar Amps, Tube Manuals, TUBE Videos, Tube Basics, At Shea Stadium in 1965 , the Beatles had new VOX 100 watt tube amps , instead of their usual VOX 30 watt AC - 30 amps . Yet even with this high power amp Already known as the bible of tubes and tube amps, The Tube Amp Book is now even better! This deluxe revised edition contains 40% new material, and Marshall Tube Amps” (PDF). 30.90 $. PDF download link emailed following completion of order Modern Analysis of Vacuum Tube Amplifier Circuitry20 BOOKS (VACUUM Tube amp,Radio)(PDF) - $6.50. FOR SALE! 20 Books on vacuum tube circuits or subjects related to vacuum tube circuits .PDF format on CD. So you run to the bookstore and buy a book on basic electronics. Hmmm, no tube chapter. Even some 'good' tube amp books don't do However, these books (even the eBook versions) are pretty expensive and I wanted to know if some of you have some PDF's laying around that you could send me? I' book that goes into the detail of (semiconductor) circuit building blocks at individual transistor level. • Jung WGG, editor. Op amp applications.
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